Meet Janine

Hi, I’m Janine ~ interior stylist, home stager, and expert E-designer of Janine-Home & Style.  I’m an intuitive decorator who isn’t afraid to go for it and try things out to get the look I’m trying to create. Cozy is my style.

We are remodeling our white farmhouse up north. It’s been a fun journey, a lot of hard work, some mistakes and just rolling with it. I’ll keep sharing the design and décor with you all as we go. 

When I’m not working on the farmhouse fixer upper, I’m out shopping for eye-catching décor, salvage shopping, staging homes or redesigning outdated get-away homes and bringing new life to them for families who moved “up north”.  My newest offering is E-Design services which is the hottest way of helping people bring their updates to fruition from the convenience of their home.

I live with my hubby and my children “up north” in Vermont.  I have one kiddo still home with me, and two others who live farther north in the Burlington area.  I’ve spent most of my life in Connecticut but finally followed my inner compass to where I’ve always felt best, “up north”.  More of that to come…..

I’m passionate about bringing more beauty into people’s lives and love to do it through sharing design, decorating, photography and my lifestyle with you all.  If I can put a smile on your face then it’s a good day.  Thanks for hanging out and seeing today’s beauty through my eyes. 

                                                            ~ Janine

LifestyleJanine Conti